Make sure to remove skin & small bones from salmon fillet. Chop salmon into 1/4-inch chunks and chopping until you have a chop size of about 1/8 inch. Mix salmon with chopped herbs, mayonnaise, onion, lemon juice, salt, and pepper to taste. Divide into 4 patties & place them in refrigerator for 15 minutes to help firm up the patties for cooking.
If using a grill, make sure to grease with vegetable oil and that grill surface is well heated beforehand. Patties should cook 3-4 minutes on the first side and only around 3 minutes on the second. If using a skillet indoors, make sure it is oiled & has been heated for 4-5 minutes before cooking. Top salmon burgers with FCFC Sweet Red Pepper Relish or SRPR Tartars sauce.